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Relationships App V1

Noortrue is a project born out of personal frustration. In my youth, I had no trouble remembering birthdays and other special dates of my friends and family. However, as I got older and busier, I found it increasingly difficult to keep track of these important dates and to come up with original gift ideas. Therefore, I created Noortrue to provide a solution for those facing similar difficulties.

The name Noortrue is a wordplay on "Nurturing" and "True," reflecting the app's purpose of empowering users to cultivate their relationships while showcasing their true gift-giving personalities.

Format: App

Year: 2022-2023


- visual Designer
- researcher


- Figma

- Zoom



Keeping track of dates and creating meaningful memories through gifting can be quite challenging in today's fast-paced lifestyle.

Even with social media, making meaningful connections and memories with people remains challenging. Life comes in between and users have to then opt for the traditional gift or experience that doesn't build a stronger bond. 


Understanding with empathy the different types of love language helped propose solution that were relevant to the way different users connect. 

I conducted comprehensive research, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods, to identify the key challenges users face when giving or receiving gifts. By delving into the reasons behind forgetfulness and difficulties encountered, I developed a three-part framework that enhances users' ability to remember, take effective action, and learn from feedback in their gifting experiences.


An app that keeps track of important dates of people deer to users, while suggesting experience and gifting recommendations based on data.

  • An application that incorporates the following vital functional features:

  • Calendar reminders and countdowns

  • Gift and experience recommendations tailored to the recipient's profile information

  • The feedback system for each gift or experience helping user improve its choises

Understanding the Problem

When it comes to keeping track of important dates, many individuals rely on Facebook's birthday notifications or anniversary reminders for couples. Unfortunately, these reminders come on the same day, and the platform lacks features for tracking other significant dates. Memorable occasions such as graduation dates, first trips, first kisses, promotions, and other meaningful events that warrant celebration have no designated place in the current digital ecosystem. 

Special moments are often marked by a gift or experience that honors the occasion. As I delved into the world of gift-giving, I delved deeper into the notion of "Love Languages," which outlines the diverse ways people demonstrate and receive love. This insight proved valuable as my initial idea focused solely on physical gifts.


Research Methodologies

I employed two research methodologies. Firstly, I conducted a Competitor Analysis to investigate other apps and compare them to the features proposed for my app. Concurrently, I conducted in-depth interviews (qualitative) to gain insights into the behaviors, personalities, needs, and pain points of potential users.

Competitive & Feature Analysis

In a market saturated with relationship apps, it was crucial to determine whether competitors focused on reminders and if incorporating gift/experience options would render the app competitive.

  • Most apps prioritize romantic relationships, emphasizing the importance of staying present and connected. Some features, including communication, are tailored for long-distance couples.

  • All apps incorporate some form of timekeeping, but only Lovedays and Dreamdays offer a calendar where users can add multiple important dates.

  • Touch Note stands out by suggesting gift ideas related to stationery and photography.

  • It's worth noting that at least four out of five apps monetize through advertising and require a premium plan to remove it.

  • While some apps allow users to name their significant other, no options exist for the app to comprehend the significant other's preferences and desires.


Narrowing down the Audience

I conducted a small survey to determine the age group that would benefit the most from the app. The initial questions stated:


"This survey is for an app that helps you remember important dates of the special people in your life and suggests gifts and experiences to nurture those relationships".

Based on the responses received from those who completed the survey and those who did not, I was able to determine the age group for which the app would be most useful. Additionally, the survey provided valuable insights into the functionalities that would be most important to the users.


User Interviews

I followed by interviewing five men and five women - between the ages of 20 and 50. Users were randomly selected based on their availability for Zoom or Google Meet interviews. Factors such as profession, religion, sexual orientation, and other demographics were not considered since they were outside the app's scope.


Users reported encountering similar challenges in remembering and commemorating important events for their loved ones. Men, in particular, found it especially challenging to keep track of dates and determine appropriate gift options. Many expressed a sense of uncertainty and frustration, unsure of their loved one's preferences and interests when it comes to gift-receiving.

On the other hand, women were more attentive to particular dates, mostly romantic, and were creative in their gift-giving efforts. It was interesting to note how giving, for many, goes hand in hand with receiving. Many had specifically defined considerations when giving gifts based on what they had received or might be receiving in the future.


  • remembering the date initially but forgetting little time to plan for it

  • not knowing what to give to someone they know

  • keeping track of other dates beyond birthdays or anniversaries

  • previous efforts of gifting either failed or went unappreciated

  • unable to define the proper budget for a gift

  • some felt reluctant to go above and beyond based on prior gifting or receiving experiences


  • the ability to track multiple dates in a relationship

  • ability to keep track of dates for more than one user

  • suggestions for possible gifts to give.

  • multiple reminders for important dates

  • an understanding of what the receiver wants and likes

  • control notifications to avoid spamming

  • feedback from the receiver on gifts/experiences


  • everyone understands giving and receiving differently

  • the concept of "love languages" is unknown to many

  • giving is often tied to receiving something in return, i.e, gratitude or a future gift

  • few people ask for or receive feedback on what they give

  • many people feel that an experience is less valuable than a physical gift, even if it costs the same amount


  • to not have to think about what to give

  • to receive timely reminders and control notifications

  • to be given suggestions for creative and memorable gifts

  • the ability to build a comprehensive profile of the receiver

  • to know if the receiver liked the gift, and use that toward future gift-giving

  • to make a positive impression on the receiver

The Primary Users

Based on the interview results, I created two user personas, the first representing an unthoughtful gift-giver and the second representing a more thoughtful giver. This helped me realize the importance of the receiver as part of the equation, not just finding ways to help the user with gift-giving but also understanding the one on the receiving end.


Harry Burns

  • 34 Years Old
  • Lives In New York
  • Masters Degree in Data Science
  • Junior Analyst at Medical Corporation
  • Salary $120k/year

Harry was born into a big family with two sisters; he grew up in North Carolina and moved to New York to pursue a career in Data Science. His ambition is to become a Senior Analyst at his firm and settle down to start his own family. 

  • Ambitious

  • Workaholic

  • Easily stressed

  • Not creative

  • Self-focused

  • Frustrations

  • ​He doesn’t have time to do things outside of work. His relationships don’t last due to his devotion to work.

  • He is forgetful about what happens outside of work.

  • His current girlfriend feels she is more devoted to the relationship than he is.

  • He tries to give, but his girlfriend finds flowers cliche or is never pleased.

  • He always runs out of time to prepare for special occasions.

  • He feels frustrated that his girlfriend always gets him better gifts than he gives.

  • Help him see the value of setting other priorities.

  • Help him become a better partner while not sacrificing his work goals.

  • Remind him of special dates for the people he cares about outside of work.

  • Help him become more attentive to his partner.

  • Help him be more creative and thoughtful with his gift-giving, particularly toward his girlfriend.

  • Become a Senior Analyst

  • Grow his network 

  • Connect with people beyond work

  • Be more personable, talk less about work
    Be someone people talk positively about

“I have given roses and chocolates to all my girlfriends in the past, but it feels like it’s never enough.”

Customer Journey

With Harry in mind, I created a user journey in which he needed to buy a birthday gift for his girlfriend. This exercise gave me an overall idea of where key decisions and frustrations took place, and how the app could assist in the process.

Harry's journey was highly informed by similar experiences of other interviewed users, as well as my own experiences. 


Value Proposition

After analyzing and strategizing, based on the competitive research and interviews, it was clear that Noortrue could be an app beyond just a calendar reminder; it could be a tool to help make giving more meaningful. Below is the value proposition for the app.


Go from Disposable

Current Problem

- Last-minute gift-giving

- Generic gifts

- Doesn’t strengthen the relationship

- Unsurprising

- Not to their liking


To Memorable


- Buy ahead of time

- A considerate gift

- Build memories

- Exeed expectations

- They will cherish it for a lifetime


To Noortrue

The App

- Dedicated Calendar with Reminders

- Gifting/ Experience/ Gesture Suggestions

- Connectivity between giver and receiver

- Feedback between users

User Flows

To better understand how users could perform tasks, I created user flows for independent goals. These helped me cut out unnecessary steps and see where there was a need for more streamlining of tasks. Below is the user flow and task flow for adding a Loved One.


Simplify the Gifting Experience

With a vigorous research and mapping phase completed, and Harry’s journey to design, I began the sketching stage of the design process. For better clarity, I separated the user (the one using the app) and the receiver (the one the user is looking to nurture) and called the latter "Loved One."   


Given that I was developing this app on a tight deadline, I kept some of the initial features basic, hoping to develop them further, down the line. Below are the solution goals I kept in mind when ideating the product:

  1. a dedicated set of features per "Loved One."

  2. a simple-to-use calendar to add special dates, personalized or pre-set by the app

  3. a way to let users add the interests of their Loved Ones to improve gift suggestions

  4. a way to make reservations or buy a gift quickly

  5. the ability to track the success of a gifting experience

  6. interconnectivity between a user and their Loved One, both with independent accounts


Low Fidelity Testing

I used mid-fidelity prototypes to present the app's features to various users, which proved to be incredibly valuable. During the testing, users asked questions about what they could expect from specific sections in the app. For instance, one user inquired, 'How will I be able to differentiate between gift suggestions for different Loved Ones in my feed?"

Laying out the Experience

Figma Screenshot.png

Take Aways

Updates - June 16-2023

- Collecting data from user testing for improvement

Next Steps

  • test heuristics 

  • include nurturing suggestions for other types of Love Languages

  • educate users about the app

  • develop Order Placement Task Flows

  • educate users about their Love Language and set preset configurations for each type

  • work on the connectivity of the app to third-party wishlists

  • test the app concept bootstrapping functionalities with third-party apps


Relationships are imperative for many reasons, such as increasing our emotional well-being, creating stability, and building a support system. Each relationship is different and nurtured differently, yet giving and receiving is a commonality among all relationships. We participate in gift-giving with those around us, yet we do it with little knowledge about what they want or what is truly memorable for them. Nowadays, we often put more value on quantity over quality; we have hundreds of friends on Facebook, yet we barely know same of them. Likewise, we often value physical objects over experiences, doing something for others, devoting time to someone, or simply being there to listen. Life and the economy move fast, and while that might not change, perhaps Noortrue can help users remain close to those they love through meaningful, memorable gift-giving.

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